
Showing posts from March, 2023

No Lunch

 It has been a little more than a week since I last posted. Today I was the first time I felt like I was actually accomplishing something. I had written some small part of an app last week allowing the client to download a 10 lakh (1,000,000) rows of data. Well today, there might have been something wrong with it. Which was great because I felt like I got to actually solve a problem.  But the I am burying the lead, the real story is, this week, I did not have lunch one day. The person who makes my lunch had gone on a trip, and wires were crossed, and I went without for a day. I was hangry, and I asked the person who usually picks me up if I could be picked up early, 3ish, and he said 5pm. And then I relayed to him that I was without a lunch. 10 minutes later I got a call from him that he was in the lobby.  The worst thing that could possible happen is that you might miss a meal. He was sincerely worried for my health, like I might have died.  Well, that was a funny little side note to

A Late Post and a New Week

Let's see, what happened last week fit to discuss. The work week was a blur. I did not really accomplish anything, no projects assigned, just in limbo. I often go up to the lunch room alone, I wake up early person, and eat earlier than most of the people at work. But, sometimes, I am joined by co-workers if they eat at the same time. This is nice, it takes my attention away from my thoughts. It slows lunch down for I usually just eat and go.  I was supposed to go to Charminar, a building that represents Hyderabad and holds a mosque, on Sunday. But a dinner took me away, so I was unable to. Next Sunday, perhaps. I did, however, run Saturday morning. There is a park, KBR. Running in India is particularly hard because sidewalks are few and far between. Parks are one of the few ways to get consistent space to run. KBR has two paths, inside and outside. The inside path is short and there is a fee to enter the park. The outside path is free, and longer.  I have run both. The inside is ar

Almost projects and a Sunday trip

     This last week went well! I met my point of contact (POC) in my group and he directed me to create a CRUD app using Nest.js, for practice. This was pretty easy or me as I have been working with Express.js and Node,js and Nest.js very, very similar. It is actually a wrapper on to of Node that allows for some pretty neat things. It automatically makes routes that the front end can use, and validation is simple. I quickly made it on Thursday. My POC then said to make another and connect the two modules, which is what Nest files groups are called. I was able to do complete this Friday morning AND connect it to Mongodb. Overall pretty easy stuff.     I am a little frustrated with these tasks. They don't know what I can do, and after sitting with some one friday who had no experience in backend or frontend development, I can understand why they want to make sure I am capable of doing the simple things. But still, I can do this, easily, and I feel like I am reay for ACTUAL work. Next