Sisters and Doctors Part 2

Pre-surgery Work Alright, the appointment had been made. I needed to get two things before the surgery, an ultrasound on the hands and bloodwork. The bloodwork went relatively quickly. Went to the billing office, paid for the tests, and went straight in. The Laboratory The ultrasound was a little more complicated. I walked up to the radiology desk was told I needed an appointment, and I could get it done that day if I wanted. But they couldn't tell me the price until they talked to the doctor. So I made the appointment and waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, some one came to me and said they had the cost. So they took me to the billing office , talked to the clerk and walked off. I asked the price and he said 6400 rupees. I did not have 6400 rupees on me. So I was just going to leave and bring back the money later. But my first stop was the radiology department to tell them I didn't have the money. I walked up to the counter and told them as much. The...